a figure of speechの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. no ...what we said earlier was just a figure of speech .
    いえ... さっきのは 言葉のあやで
  2. i'm sorry , it was just a figure of speech
    失礼しました 言葉のあやです
  3. just a figure of speech , old boy .
  4. that was a figure of speech .
    それは 言葉のあやだ
  5. it's a figure of speech , simon .


  1. "a figure of eight 8"の例文
  2. "a figure of fun"の例文
  3. "a figure of great beauty"の例文
  4. "a figure of merit"の例文
  5. "a figure of prominence"の例文
  6. "a figure of the virgin mary"の例文
  7. "a figure on a mosaic"の例文
  8. "a figure painting"の例文
  9. "a figure punch"の例文
  10. "a figure of merit"の例文
  11. "a figure of prominence"の例文
  12. "a figure of the virgin mary"の例文
  13. "a figure on a mosaic"の例文

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